
How to Protect Face Skin in the Winter

Your Face Needs Extra Care in Winter

Cold, winter wind can wreak havoc on skin. To keep your face supple in winter, apply moisturizer to your face before going out into the cold and cover your face with a scarf in harsh wind.
If you have super, duper sensitive skin, consider avoiding rinsing your face with tap water, which can contain harsh minerals that are especially drying to the skin (Dr. Dennis Gross once said New York water contains a lot of harsh minerals, while Seattle water, for example, does not. Go figure).
Instead, do like the French and cleanse skin in winter with a cleaner that does not require rinsing, like Pond's Cold Cream. You can also rinse with special water that contains selenium and chamomile, suggests beauty expert Valerie Monroe in the September, 2006 issue of O, the Oprah Magazine.
Extra tip: Try spritzing your face with facial water before applying moisturizer several times during the day in the office. The water locks in moisture and leaves skin refreshed even in harsh office heat.
Protect Face Skin in the Winter

Don't Forget Your Lips

Protect lips in the Winter


Licking your lips will not moisturize them and instead will help dry them out. Lips retain less moisture than other parts of the body, so they tend to dry out more quickly. A simple lip balm helps, as does my all-time favorite lip trick learned in high school from "Seventeen" magazine: moisturize your lips with Vaseline. Take a toothbrush and "brush" your lips in a circular motion. This will remove dead flakes and leave your lips soft and supple.

Consider Fish Oil Pills 

Fish Oil Pills


New studies show omega-3 fish oil pills may soothe super dry skin. Patients who took fish oils pills in a study reported in Allure magazine, saw significant results within a few weeks. "You can see, within six weeks, the skin, hair and nails improve markedly," according to skin expert Dr. Andrew Weil in Allure. Ever since I started taking fish oil pills in March, 2007, I have received numerous compliments on how amazing my skin looks. So there you have it.

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Skin Problems & Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman's life, however, you might not feel so gorgeous when you're battling a few of motherhood's downfalls, including stretch marks, undereye circles and problem skin. Here we run down a few solutions to typical pregnancy problems.

Problem #1: Stretch marks 

Stretch marks in pregnancy


If you are genetically prone to stretch marks, there's not much you can do to prevent them. Stretch marks occur when skin grows too fast for its fibers to handle. These can tear, leaving violet-colored marks. To help improve your skin's elasticity, you can rub your belly several times a day in a circular motion with creams or oils that contain cocoa butter, vitamin E or sweet almond oil.

Problem #2: Brown spots 



Pregnant women are susceptible to splotchy pigmentation. These brown spots are caused by hormones and sun exposure and are aggravated by the sun. 
To prevent brown spots, use a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. To lighten dark patches you can try topical vitamin C serum under moisturizer.

Problem #3: Lifeless Hair Color 

hair care during pregnancy


While it's true hormonal changes during pregnancy will make hair stronger and shinier than ever, hair benefits usually kick in after the first trimester, according to Marie Claire's, "Hair & Makeup" book. In the first three months, oil can be oily due to overactive sebaceous glands. To battle oily hair, Marie Claire suggests washing hair daily with a mild shampoo. Some women experience dry hair during pregnancy. Using a moisturizer daily and a deep conditioning treatment weekly will help.
Many pregnant women avoid getting their hair colored during pregnancy, however, medical experts agree it's safe to color your hair after your first trimester. Consider highlights over a full color. Many women opt for vegetable dyes during pregnancy. The fewer chemicals to touch your scalp, the better.

Problem #4: Dry skin and acne

These problems are also effects of hormones. The only thing you can really do is moisturize nd exfoliate daily. . Keep in mind that this is NOT the time to use products like Retin-A, salicyclic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Problem #5: Dark undereye circles

There's no real way to fix undereye circles,  for covering them up. Use a proper concealer

Dark undereye circles in pregnancy

Problem #6: Sore muscles

Prenatal massages are great for expectant moms but wait until after the first trimester. Massages relax both mom and baby. You can expect work on your lower back.

Problem #7: Varicose veins



The American Institute of Preventive Medicine offers these suggestions to help prevent them from forming: wear elastic support stockings, elevate legs when resting and take long or short walks every 45 minutes during long flights or car rides. Avoid standing for long periods and don't cross legs when sitting (like you can do this when heavily pregnant!).

Problem #8: Aching legs and feet

To ease foot soreness, soak feet in a cool bath sprinkled with a capful of Epsom salts, then follow with a foot cream with menthol. You might also invest in special medical socks that keep fluid from buiding up. 


Skin Problems(Stretch Marks causes and treatment )

Stretch marks are at best, fine pink lines that appear around the fourth month of pregnancy. They can appear on the arms, thighs, buttocks, breasts and most commonly the abdomen. 

They occur in 50 to 90% of women for a variety of reason and can range from the silvery pink color mentioned above to bright red or purple lines.

*So what causes them to form in the first place? The weight gain is stretching the dermal collagen and elastin beyond breaking point and what you see are the scars formed as the fibres separate.
*As I mentioned above, stretch marks are forming deep within the skin, so massaging the skin with oils and creams will make you feel better, but unfortunately, you can't prevent them from occurring. 

How to get rid of stretch marks

Technically, no.  However, there are things you can do to greatly fade their appearance. 
 Ways to fade stretch marks:
+ Laser therapy 

                                    uses intense wavelengths of light to help grow collagen, elastin or melanin in your skin.

+ Tretinoin cream 
                                       (also called Retin-A, Renova, Avitaca) can help rebuild collagen and make the stretch marks look more like your normal skin. Just make sure you are treating the stretch marks early on, when they are still pinkish or purple.

+ Microdermabrasion 
                                               involves a device that blows tiny crystals onto your skin.  These crystals gently polish your skin’s surface.  This is an option for older stretch marks that have faded to white.
Are there natural ways to reduce their appearance?
Yes! But it’s not cocoa butter – even though it’s been commonly associated with getting rid of stretch marks, this study proved it’s ineffective in preventing and treating stretch marks.   Try vitamin E instead – this study showed that pregnant women who used a cream with a form of vitamin E in it developed fewer marks than those given a placebo. Here’s a great homemade recipe to reduce and prevent stretch marks:

DIY Stretch Mark Reducing Oil:
2 tbsp vitamin E oil
½ cup jojoba oil
½ cup almond oil
¼ cup sugar

Pour oils into a container and shake vigorously.  Add sugar and gently massage over affected areas daily.  This works best for prevention or right after they develop!

Vitamin E promotes skin elasticity, jojoba oil is full of fatty acids that easily penetrate deeply into the pores, almond oil gives a big dose of moisture and sugar exfoliates. 

*Actually, the amount of stretch marks you will have is genetically decided for you. If your mother and grandmother had stretch marks, chances are, you will too. 

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Skin Problems(Cellulite causes and treatment)

what is it with getting older?


 Cottage cheese pops up first on the backs of thighs, shows up later on the arms and eventually even on the calves (we saw a picture a couple years ago in US Weekly of Uma Thurman's cellulite calves!). 

So what is cellulite and how to get rid of it?

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not caused by excess weight. It's all in your genes, which explains why even skinny women can have it (hello Uma!). Cellulite is caused by clumps of fat cells that push up against surrounding fibrous connective tissue. "The inherent thinning of skin's support structure makes fat cells more obvious," according to *David J. Goldberg, MD, in the September, 2007, issue of Elle Magazine. This is what gives you dimples and what appears to be clumps of fat under your skin.

So how to get rid of it? 
 Unfortunately, there's not much you can do ... for now. Much research is currently underway on laser therapies, but none of have proven completely viable (or we'd be lining up at our local dermatologists, with me heading up the line).
Until a "cure" is found, there are some options which some swear are minimally successful: 

1. Exercise.
                    Some personal trainers claim exercise can cut down on cellulite. Others suggest building up the muscles in the back of the leg and in the buttocks can mask cellulite. 

2. Caffeine.

                  Caffeine, the active ingredient in many cellulite creams, works by pushing water out of fat cells, temporarily reducing the appearance of dimples. 

3. Treatments.

                         Some people have found minimal success with Endermologie (not cheap at about $100 a session). This spa treatment rolls and suctions the skin breaking up fat tissue. The results can be significant, according to InStyle Magazine, but short-term. 

4. Camouflage. 
                             Hide dimples with a fake tan. Self tanner darkens skin, effectively camouflaging dimples. 

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Bad Breath, causes and treatment

Bad breath

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath (halitosis) is a condition characterized by consistent unpleasant breath odor.
Many conditions, such as postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, uncontrolled diabetes, respiratory tract infection, liver or kidney disease, and digestive disorders such as acid reflux can cause bad breath. In the majority of people with bad breath, however, the problem is in the mouth and is often caused by improper dental hygiene, periodontal disease or dry mouth.
What causes the actual odor? Food particles and dead cells in the mouth collect bacteria which thrive in enviroments that lack oxygen, such as the back of the tongue and deep gum pockets. These bacteria produce odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide. 

1- causes of Bad Breath 
                                 Most of your bad breath problems can be traced bad to poor oral hygiene. 
Bad Breath due to poor oral hygiene.

Bacteria that builds up on the back of your tongue or in between your teeth is the main culprit. These bad boys like to breed on the tongue and in crevices caused by gum disease, cavities and poorly fitting bridges or crowns. According to my dentist, bad breath can also be caused by antihistamines, nasal sprays and some anti-depressants. They can dry up your saliva, which leads to bad breath. This is why your friend's breath will smell more when she's sick. So how to fix? Make sure to floss daily, brush your teeth thoroughly & scrape your tongue with a tongue scrapper (bought at drugstores). If this doesn't work? See your doctor.

 2-How to detect if you Have Bad Breath?
wrong detection of bad breath

                                  Skip the old method of blowing into your hands and smelling your breath. Instead, lick the back of your hand, let the saliva dry, then take a whiff. What you smell is your true breath.
How to detect if you Have Bad Breath

How to detect if you Have Bad Breath?

 3-Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily can help to remove odor-causing bacteria. Before trying any natural remedies for bad breath, it's important to visit your dentist to have your teeth examined and cleaned. If a cause isn't identified, consult your doctor for further investigation. Here are some home remedies to consider:

  • Drink tea. Preliminary research suggests that compounds in both green tea and black tea called polyphenols may stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Polyphenols may also prevent existing bacteria from producing malodorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide. Both green and black tea have polyphenols.
  • Try a mouthwash containing zinc ions. Zinc appears to directly neutralize malodorous sulfur compounds and improve breath. It's found in several health food store mouthwashes as well as some drug store brands.

  • Try a mouthwash that contains essential oils. Preliminary studies suggest that essential oils, which are plant oils, may help to reduce bad breath. One study compared an essential oil mouthwash containing tea tree oil, peppermint oil and lemon oil to a standard mouthwash and found that the level of volatile sulfur compounds was significantly less after the essential oil mouthwash compared to the conventional mouthwash. It's best to use a commercially-prepared product (check the health food store) rather than buying essential oils and making your own mouthwash. If in doubt, consult your dentist.

  • Use herbs to freshen your breath. Chew on a small sprig of fresh rosemary, parsley, spearmint, or tarragon for up to a minute. 
  • Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol. Alcohol can dry out the mouth, which contributes to bad breath.
  • Use a tongue scraper, which helps to remove dead cells, food particles and bacteria from the tongue. A tongue scaper is a special plastic instrument found in drug stores and some health food stores, that costs several dollars. In Ayurveda, a thick coating on the tongue is called "ama" and is thought to be caused by improper or incomplete digestion. Tongue cleaning with a scaper is recommended as a daily regimen to remove ama. The key is to do it gently and to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward. If you can't find a tongue scraper, use a toothbrush to clean your tongue.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and other fluids will help keep your mouth moist. Another reason drinking fluids might help: In traditional Chinese medicine, bad breath is often the result of excess heat in the stomach. Water, soup and watery fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber, are thought to help to rebalance the body.
  • According to traditional Chinese medicine, bitter foods, such as Belgian endive and many dark green leafy vegetables are also believed to help stomach heat. Certain foods, such as coffee, alcohol, sugar, milk and fried or spicy foods are thought to worsen the problem.
  • Snack on crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery, carrots or jicama. Crunchy foods can help remove food, bacteria and plaque from teeth.
  • Get help managing stress. Many people have bad breath that doesn't have a clearly identifiable cause. One small preliminary study found that in healthy young men with good oral hygiene and general health, stress increased the production of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. 


How To Do The Basic At-Home Facial

There’s nothing better than getting a professional facial, but they can be expensive. To maintain your healthy skin between professional treatments or to do them yourself, try this basic at-home facial once a week. This basic facial works on oily, dry and combination skin.
And don’t worry, I’m not going to make you whip up a batch of egg-whites & oatmeal. If you want natural, do-it-yourself recipes, see ‘Make Your Own Face Mask.’
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 25-30 minutes
 5 steps at home facial

Here's How:

  1. Cleanse the skin
    You’ll want to wash the face to remove any grime or dirt. If you have oily or combination skin, try a cleanser . Wash Away Gel Cleanser or Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash . For dry skin, your best bet is a cream or milky cleanser .
  2. Exfoliate
    Using your fingers, rub a gentle exfoliating scrub in a circular motion on your face. Concentrate on the areas around your nose and forehead or if you have combo skin, work harder on the areas that tend to be ‘greasy.’ Rinse your face well since exfoliating scrubs tend to be drying.
  3. Steam[/br] Fill your sink with warm water, dip a washcloth in and press to your face. Repeat 2-3 times.
  4. The mask
    For oily skin, use a clay-based face mask. For dry skin, go for a hydrating gel or cream mask.
    Apply the mask, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Keep it on for 10-20 minutes (or, according to the directions on the product). Rinse completely. Want to go all out and make your own natural face masks?
  5. Moisturize
    Smooth on a soothing, basic moisturizer such as Crème de La Mer Moisturizing Cream (very expensive) or the less expensive Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
    Tip: Stay away from strong moisturizers containing retinols or acids. These will over-exfoliate your skin.

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